A nice short detective game, reminiscent of games like Layton or Ace Attorney.
The art style and voice acting are pretty good and I really liked the enviroment of the isolated mansion surrounded by mystery and the quirky distinctive character personalities and designs.

The puzzles are mostly self contained and I found some of them pretty clever in their execution, having you use trial and error or real world knowledge.

The overarching story wasn't so great, there were some nice twists to it (and I personally enjoyed the mechanic about revealing each character's secret), but the final revelation didn't feel like that much of a deal. Besides the murder's motives felt weak and convoluted.

While I enjoyed the 'mostly' non-linear exploration of the mansion, solving its mysteries at your own pace, the game does a lot of hand-holding.
For example, at times it promts you to go to a certain character when you have found every piece of evidence that pertains to them. There are also things that you could have figured out by yourself but the gameplay almost directly tells you.
I know these are common problems in detective games (and the game sometimes trys to fix them) but I wish they could have been executed in a different way.

Overall if you like the genre I think you will enjoy it, and the puzzles, characters and enviroment are pretty good, but expect a short and slightly weak story.

Reviewed on May 06, 2022
