An interesting take on the "kart racer" type game. Is full of a lot of interesting mechanics that work surprisingly well with each other. And although the game's difficulty is more in the head-hurtingly hard territory, it's so much fun that I will keep coming back to it the next day if I rage quit it, no matter what.

Something unique to this game that I think is interesting is the ring system. Having to use ring's that you've collected on each course to maintain your speed adds a very fun dynamic to the races and can make for some interesting track designs.

Before any of the updates, one of the main problems I had with the game is how many of the courses would require impossibly precise turns that the physics of your kart would just not allow for to pull off smoothly. But after the changes made to certain classes' handling, just getting better at the game, and certain changes to the courses (one cup specifically had all of their tracks sized up by 25% WHICH MADE ME THANK GOD FOR LETTING ME LIVE ANOTHER DAY), the issue has become kinda non-existent at this point.

One day I will become cracked at this game but for now I'm okay with just being mediocre at it skill wise lol.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
