Deathloop was in Humble Monthly somewhere in 2022. I was really excited to play this, installed it, started it and eventually it came to the point where it dropped to below 30 FPS.

This year, I decided to give it another chance, used a guide for optimal settings by Digital Foundry and yay it worked ...

I had a lot of fun for two days. I killed Wenjie, tried out a lot of different plans to approach to my target, killed one or two Juliannas and more.

... but not for long.

On the third day of my playthrough I once again started the game excited for more. I picked my loadout, went into the game world and ... frames dropped. "Maybe I should update my GPU drivers", I thought, updated them and rebooted my PC. Nothing changed. I tried out more settings, triedevery fix I've found online and ... nothing. After about an hour I gave up. The frustration was too high.

Deathloop is a great game and I would love to play more, but in its current technical state, I have to wait until they release a proper fix for the performace issues.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2023
