I really like Blacksad and this game captures the atmosphere very well.
We are thrown into the action without a long preamble, the case is interesting and there is a quick reunion with familiar characters from the comics.

Therefore, I would like to recommend this game, but there are far too many things that speak against it and made me stop playing after a short time.
I can overlook rough edges such as the somewhat bumpy animations here and there and the slightly asynchronous voices here and there. The relatively long loading times are also annoying, but I can overlook that too.
The controls and the camera also leave a lot to be desired. Blacksad moves very slowly and imprecisely. I also have the feeling that there is a noticeable input delay.

What I can't overlook are the bugs that ruin the game. The very first time I started the game, I had a completely black screen while the game continued to run normally.
Then on the second try I had an infinite loading screen.
Third try and I could finally play ... Until I was back in Blacksad's office and the bugs got the better of me again, causing me to abandon the game. Either the camera got stuck in some of these close-up scenes and I couldn't get out, or every interactable object took me to a scene I'd seen before.

Sorry, but I really don't feel like loading the last autosave every few minutes.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
