This game is such a fascinating concept and genuinely an alright experience first time through, but holy shit this game has a lot of little issues that really drive it into the ground.

I want to preface that with games like these I really enjoy replayability and that is what I look for in a game where you have multiple routes of going about something. This game isn't super replayable.

Movement feels incredibly lackluster/janky combined with only being able to take one hit (there's an exception, but I'll get to that) is a recipe for disaster. Oftentimes you'll aim for an area you want to jump to, but it will either not move you at all or move you in a different spot. I found a lot of difficulties on platforms and windows (specifically the edges of them). On platforms I would encounter the "not move at all when I tell the character to move elsewhere" issue a ton, and when a million bad guys are aiming at you it just feels incredibly cheap and unfair. Around the windows, if you're caught on the edge of them, the only really sensible solution is to jump away from the combat, and then grapple hook back in, right? Well (at least in my experience) every time you would try to you'd just get stuck on the edge of the window again. Again, feeling incredibly cheap/unfair.

Another thing this game really "prides" itself on is that it's "not a stealth game!" even though playing risky/more upfront will most likely get you immediately killed in later levels, and it feels more rewarding/smarter to slowly pick off enemies without being detected.


The last level is actually abysmal. Holy shit, they tried adding a "you can't die if you kill people fast enough!" mechanic, but it rewards you with a shitty ending and there is only ONE checkpoint in the level, and it's at the beginning. So once you get really far in the level, if you fuck up once and die, you get to go all the way back to the start and do it all over again! As far as I could go, I could not figure out a strategy of killing the main target without being hit once. I'm also the type of person to be interested in 100%ing games, but I could honestly not be fucked to beat the final mission without being hit once (the "Good" ending). There's also a new game plus, which I tried out, it adds a new mechanic where the robot guys that used to shoot in a straight line now shoot in a sporadic manner! So now it's even fucking harder to avoid things narrowly. On top of that, it removed my normal save data without telling me that it would. It said it would create a "new game plus" save but in reality it just used your save and gives you new levels. The new levels are practically the same but with even MORE enemies. Which just adds another "fuck you" factor to playing.

Overall though; it was an alright game. Definitely not as good as similar games like Gunpoint. Wait for a sale.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2024
