If you can't appreciate this you don't like video games, sorry.

If they turned this into a video game it would be pretty good. Part of me thinks the old 3D Mario games are objectively better than this--Delfino Plaza is straight-up fun to traverse, regardless of the low quality of SMS' explicit goals. But these games are probably all just dumb bullshit.

SM64 has a similar 'level' of vision to the early 2D Mario games (while I don't find it particularly fun it is certainly original) but the later 3D Marios never superseded SM64 except in trivial ways like framerate and camera improvements that you can't really credit Nintendo with.

The Action Button review of Mario Galaxy has been pinging around my head for years at this point; Galaxy isn't about driving a cool car, it's about looking for a parking spot. Odyssey is more of the same, the inherent friction and feel of the mechanics are sidelined in favour of collectibles. Yippee, I guess the kids like it.