Crypt of the Necrodancer is a roguelike/dungeon crawler with rhytm game elements. How it works is simple but hard to master. Every action you and the enemy take goes along with the beat of the music, which means you have to be quick with your thinking to beat the enemies and stay safe. What's fun about the system is that there are a lot of enemies with different behaviours, some moving every beat, some moving every 2 beats and more, which forces you to pay a lot of attention to everything to win. It's actually a very challenging game...

Overall, the game is a lot of fun and your enjoyment of it will depend on how much you like roguelikes. Personally, it took a while to click (only after I beat it with Cadence really) but after that I got kinda addicted and ended up beating the game with a few more characters (one day I'll manage to do it with Aria...). Recommended.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2022
