This is one of those games I wish I could say I enjoyed more than I did. In terms of raw gameplay, Paper Jam is actually a lot of fun. It introduces new overworld abilities like the (extremely welcome) run button, it simplifies some old abilities like the drill and it also adds new battle mechanics like Battle Cards. At its core, this game is actually really good...

... However, all its good qualities are completely ruined by a ridiculous amount of filler minigames that destroy the pace of the game. Be it collecting Toads, chasing Nabbit or those weird Papercraft battles, the game will constantly interrupt the fun parts with annoying minigames. This even translates to battles themselves, where enemies will often have pretty long attacks that make turns last way more than they should.

Overall, this ends up as a pretty disappointing game. It had a lot of potential but it only manages to get a "meh" from me... and I didn't even mention the wasted potential of the crossover.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2022
