4 reviews liked by joemama585498684

The World Ends With You is a game made for the DS and that shows in a good way. Everything on this game is designed in favor of the DS controls and that makes for an excellent action RPG with a really good story.

Sadly this game loses me when it starts to do a quest that is just "walk from point A to point B and read a cutscene" and despite loving the characters and the story I feel that that kind of gameplay doesn't help the experience of this otherwise really good game.

BTW now I want to travel to Shibuya once the pandemic ends!

DS Version or GTFO. Writing is wack angsty Nomura nonsense and I love it.

The gameplay makes really fantastic usage of the Nintendo DS but also proves to be its own type of learning curve. Your entire experience and personal enjoyment of the game could hinder on your grasp of it. Other than that, this was a fantastic game with an ending so perfectly left ambiguous enough (unless you do post-game stuff) that it really redefined the game as a whole for me.

Cannot wait to play NEO.

That rare RPG that where the game design and story back each other up perfectly AND tells a complete story in 30 hours.