I still appreciate the interest in moments, in BEING in a place. The Tyler-Michael stuff has some sweet moments, and I'm a sucker for misunderstood characters that are rediscovered piece by piece.


For a game concerned with exploring the demystification of memories and exploring the "it may not be what it seems", it still follows the same binary decision-making and simplistic approaches to resolve many of those issues, instead of more nuanced alternatives.
For a game trying to tell a more grounded and mature story, it sure is relying on cheap tricks and gimmicky twists to keep people engaged.

Many of these things were already in the first Life is strange, but because that game was more about a coming-of-age story with horny teenagers realizing their place in the world it worked so much better. Also the quieter moments were better "realized", so to say.

P. D.: The faces are still off. The final reveal is quite laughable. The change from "this is about transphobia" to throwing the whole thing out the window is pretty fast.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2021


2 years ago

La unica Tell me why que vale la pena

2 years ago

Yo con la de Berserk no, pero cada vez que veo este juego me acuerdo de la canción de los Backstreet Boys 😔

2 years ago

ostia yo sólo me acordaba de los Backstreet Boys, Miura y Penpals se tienen que estar defecando en mi alma. Lo bueno es que este juego no va a sustituir a ninguno de los dos en el imaginario colectivo