The chapter where they talk about stuff.

More insight into their families, expectations for their future and how their diverse and messy backgrounds affected their worldview. Always interesting to see this complicated relations between Asian-Americans, their immigrant parents and the country of origin of their distant families, on top of explorations of gender that they still don't know much about being the year that it is ("Yes We Can"); even if sometimes it falls into the trap of "PSA time: let's teach some stuff" when talking about deeper issues and feelings they bottle up, maybe because there's this idea that, for the sequel, it necessarily has to be more serious and explanatory. "But I thought racism was over".

But what the hell, I can't help it. I love these dorks. When I finished it I stared at the menu screen for several minutes, listening to the song and thinking about them. They'll get through it, it'll be okay.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2022
