Ratchet & Clank was a big part of my introduction to video games. I can never remember what edition I had on PS2, but I always remember constantly replaying through a particular mission where you had to jump around on trains and then getting stuck when you finally got your ship back. I always remember the random weapons with particular ammo, the quirky Captain Quark, and Clank's mischievous laugh. Sony delivering such an iconic piece of intellectual property has helped it survive over twenty years.

Rift Apart is an incredibly good call back to those days. You get a whole host of weapons, you get a ship, and you get Clank's mischievous laugh. In fact, you get a whole lot more: the beautiful remaster you can witness in a modern resolution, the brilliant cut scenes and charming characters, and a story missions that really do their best to remain original and remove too much focus from those repetitive aspects.

I'm not sure this is the best Ratchet and Clank game I've ever played, nor Sony one, but this is another release that goes to show that Sony is doing a brilliant job of bringing really good experiences to gaming. That they release them on PC now too is honestly golden.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2023
