In all honesty, this game took me like 3-4 different tries to finish. The first three times, I got really bored at about after finishing Chapter 2. That's not because of the gameplay, but because the plot itself started off slow, and I was expecting it to be a slow game.

I was so wrong.

This game...the first time I played it I was so blown away. The plot is so well written, and I genuinely felt invested in Kiryu and Majima's backstory. It achieves the rare balance of taking itself seriously and being absolutely batshit crazy! That is the essence of this game.

The general combat gameplay loop gets a little old towards the end of the game, but it's less about the combat and more about what you end up doing to your enemies in this game. You can wield a bike, or bash someone's head into a wall, or throw someone into a river!!!!! AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE BOSS FIGHTS. Sensational.

There is so many things to do, I've barely done half of all the uniquely charming sidequests, and I'm mid-way through the Cabaret club minigame. I've played this game for 65 hours, and if I were to 100% it I would definitely be playing this game for about 150+ hours! There is so much to do, and you won't be bored for a while.

Speaking on sidequests, there's so much flavour to them, and I actually feel invested in a lot of the side characters (which I can't say about other open-world games). I'm glad they fleshed that out because it really made Kamurocho feel like an interesting place.

The game is a bit long, but I can definitely see myself replaying it in the future :) absolute banger

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2023
