I've never had a PC powerful enough to run the better version of this game at a stable and playable frame rate. This has led to me being stuck with the console version of the game, a version that hasn't seen an update in an age due to some publisher/developer issues I believe.

The console version of this game lacks in a number of ways when compared to the PC version, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun. I've spent stupid hours building up bases both alone and with a friend, experimenting with different looks and materials and having fun just mooching about the quiet, empty world.

If, like me, you're a little bit behind in PC specs, this is certainly still enjoyable on a console. Just make sure you check out console footage before you buy and make sure that it's a version you're comfortable with.

Fingers crossed it gets an update or re-release some day!

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
