Really hard to rate this one for me. I thought the gameplay was great, fast paced, and fun. I enjoyed the play on the rogue-like formula here as well. Environments are beautiful, the rumble effects help with immersion, and the soundtrack is absolutely haunting.

However, the story is a bit of a mess. It is a mixture of lore and audio logs mixed with a vague backstory for our main character that we never fully get the answers to. While a lot of it is up to interpretation, I feel that it could have been presented better while still maintaining the "you figure it out" mentality.

Overall, I think this is a strong edition to the PS5 library. The gameplay is really fun and addicting. But if you're looking for the next story-driven game that Sony loves to put out, or are seeking a more put together plot rather that one you have to piece together and interpret yourself, this isn't the game for you.

Reviewed on May 05, 2021
