I decided to rewrite this review because my opinions have changed a lot. My first playthrough, I thought this game was charming but not my thing. But now that I have completed the game 4 times, as well as played TSA, I think this is a satirical masterpiece of a game.

Travis is very clearly an exaggerated self-insert of Suda51 himself, which makes him such a likable protagonist. Travis' journey has been reflective of Suda51's own life and experiences, and I love every bit of it.

The story is ridiculous and a bit of a fever dream, yes. But theres so much satire and commentary poured into every bit of its run time. Making fun of Marvel, the game industry, and even Suda51's career and experiences are just a few of the things that this game goes for.

Not to mention that the gameplay is top notch. The combat is incredible. Simple, but extremely fun. It gives you enough tools to strategize and form huge combo totals in combat encounters. Bosses are the best the series has ever had as well. All of them are extremely memorable and fun to face.

I love every bit of this game. It just may be a new personal favorite of mine. I never understood Suda51, but now, consider me a member of the Suda51 church.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2021
