There's some fun gunplay here and some great movement. I enjoyed the aesthetics a lot in this title as well. Everything looked fantastic and felt great to play. However, I felt that the game's premise was a bit of a let down in the story department.

I felt that they could have made the visionaries more interesting. I also felt that Julianna being made a multiplayer option took away from her overall character and significance in the story (weird complaint, I know). The game had potential for a great story, but its dialogue is too concerned with making Colt funny instead of an interesting character.

Overall, I enjoyed Deathloop, but I don't see myself ever really returning to this title much unless some friends pick it up for some multiplayer hijinks. Even then though, I was honestly a little disappointed in this game. Kudos for those that are loving it though.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2021
