I was really surprised with how much I loved this game. It has some absolutely phenomenal writing. Every character is fleshed out and unique. Character banter never gets old thanks to some fantastic performances by all of the voice actors. There isn't a weak performance in the bunch.

The combat was simple yet satisfying. It gets more complicated and difficult as the game goes on. Later encounters were very engaging and fun. Boss battles were also very well done here.

There are just a few little things that prevent me from giving this a full 5 stars. For one, I did encounter a fair amount of glitches during my playthrough. Combat dialogue also repeats a lot and can be a bit annoying. There are also some pacing issues with the story, but thankfully I didn't mind it as much because of how good the writing is most of the time.

Overall, this game rocks. It's the best Marvel game since Spider-Man PS4, and a wicked good time in general. As someone who wasn't super into the Guardians movies, this game has made me a big fan of all of the characters. I really hope Square Enix makes a sequel with the same writing staff. Another game in this series with some improvements and new additions here and there would be an absolute masterpiece.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
