Another slam dunk for the "Kill The Past" series. The gameplay was odd, and the walking isn't exactly exhilarating, but everything comes together in this really great package that serves as the sequel to The Silver Case.

I really enjoyed the themes of this game. What is paradise? Is being too kind a bad thing? Why do we procrastinate tasks even when they are so important? Is kindness even real or is it just a way to avoid our own problems?

Sumio Mondo is probably my favorite character in the series thus far. I really enjoyed his character and the changes he goes through. Everyone around him represents how he feels about himself. I love how everyone goes from praising him and revering his kindness, only to admit that they take advantage of him and find his stupid later on.

Sure, the gameplay could've been a bit more fleshed out. But the overall package here is definitely worth a playthrough for Suda fans. Hard to determine which I like more: This, or Silver case. But I do know that I don't regret playing this fantastic entry in the Silver Case trilogy.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2022
