Samus Returns is a very mixed bag for me. I never really hear anyone describe this as the best 2D Metroid game, and I def see why. On one hand, it has fantastic level design and gameplay. On the other hand, environments are largely forgettable, and the game is extremely repetitive. I am not sure if the original was this way as well, but it is certainly present in this remake/definitive version.

The combat and gameplay is pretty much the same as every other Metroid game that came before it, in a good way. Moment-to-moment gameplay is so much fun here. MercurySteam did add the now iconic parry system that was so well done in Metroid Dread. Here, it is a bit overused and overpowered. It works very well for boss fights, but normal enemy encounters are a joke because of how effective and easy the parry is.

Speaking of boss fights, this game has a very strange approach to them. Theres some absolutely fantastic fights here, such as Diggernaut and Proteus Ridley. However, the main issue arises from what the game is truly about. Samus is sent to this planet to destroy all remaining Metroids. Seems simple enough. And it is, admittedly. The issue though is how damn repetitive it is to kill all of these metroids. They have attached themselves to various monsters, of which there are about 3-4 variants of. This wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't an incredible amount of metroids to kill in the game. It gets so damn repetitive: go to a new area, kill Metroids in the same form they were in before. Rinse and repeat until the game is over. If it wasn't for the extremely good level design here, I would have really struggled to keep playing. And the level design is truly great here. I do think that it is better than games like Fusion. But the game actively goes against itself by making the main objective so damn repetitive.

I cannot stress enough how much of a mixed bag this is. It sort of has the opposite problems that I have with Fusion. Fusion is extremely creative, but has pretty bland level design. Samus Returns has extremely good level design, but enemy types and bosses feel lazy overall. And its a shame, because MercurySteam really could have improved the original drastically.

Despite my complaints tho, I did enjoy my time quite a bit with Samus Returns. It's still a Metroid game, which has quickly become one of my favorite series as of late. However, it is far from the best that the series has to offer as a whole. Is it wholly necessary to play? Eh, I wouldn't say so. But as a big fan of this series now, I overall enjoyed the experience despite the flaws that I did see.

Definitely pick up this title soon as the 3DS E-Shop is closing down soon. Despite my 7/10 rating here, I still highly recommend it as a great experience that, if you're a Metroid fan, you shouldn't miss out on.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2022
