Stranger of Paradise is a very surprising game. Before its release, everyone thought that this game was going to be a gigantic meme. Having a super edgy protagonist, hilarious timing of lines, and absolutely baffling scenes such as the "bullshit" scene, made all of us believe that this game was going to be a so-bad-its-good title that we would all collectively laugh with and at.

For a good amount of my play time, I thought this was exactly what this game was. But then there's a moment at the beginning of the third act where everything just clicks. You think to yourself, "Oh...wait so...THAT'S why things seem off?" and it all makes sense. Once this moment happens, the entire game changes for the player. You go from liking it ironically to recognizing just how deep and surprisingly well written it actually is. Sure, there is still absolutely ridiculous scenes in this game, but they now seem like just jokes to a more deep, and connecting story.

Don't get me wrong, it isn't perfect. I feel that most of the characters don't get enough screen time or characterization. Jed, Ash, Neon, Sophia, and Sarah all needed more characterization in order to make me fully care for them. The story does a good enough job to make me like them a bit more by the end, but they severely needed more scenes of the group interacting and just existing together. This being said though, Jack is actually a very good protagonist towards the end. I know he seems like a total meme, but stick with him and you will grow to love him and his character arc.

Now on to the gameplay. I found it to be very enjoyable overall. The combat was basically an easier Nioh. Stamina is gone, but the newly introduced stance system worked quite well. I also loved the way the jobs system was implemented here, although there are definitely balancing issues that need to be addressed. The parry system, along with the move-stealing system were also nice touches, though they could have been fleshed out more. Bosses are a real highlight here, as they are almost all pretty challenging and entertaining to fight.

The level design is a bit bland for my liking. They're either too simple, or too much like a maze. A simple mini-map would have alleviated this issue for me, but it wasn't too bad overall. I did get lost in a couple levels towards the end, but it wasn't so bad that it impeded my progress by much.

Music is also absolutely phenomenal. It ranges from remixes of classic FF tunes, intense orchestral battle music, and total butt-rock that just kicks ass in the moment. I absolutely want this soundtrack ASAP.

I was really expecting Stranger of Paradise to be a meme game. Yet here I am at the end thinking "Wow...actually that was a pretty deep and cool story." Way to blow my expectations out of the water, Square Enix. I would absolutely love to see a sequel from Team Ninja in the future that irons out some of the kinks I have with the characters and level design. Overall though, a surprisingly great game.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2022
