Cuphead is one of those games that feels good to play and look at. The Delicious Last Course continues this, with engaging boss battles and amazing visuals. While the DLC doesn't exactly feel like 4-5 years of work went into it from a gameplay hours perspective, but the sheer amount of animation here is just as impressive as the base game.

All of the new bosses are solid and fit right in with the base game's cast of baddies. In addition to more traditional bosses, this DLC also adds some special bosses that you have to fight by only parrying. These were pretty fun for the most part and helped break up some of the boss-rush gameplay that Cuphead is known for. The new power-ups and upgrades are also very well implemented and feel balanced overall. The addition of Ms. Chalice as a playable character is also very neat. I wish you didn't have to use your charm slot to play as her, but I loved how she played differently from Cuphead and Mugman. This DLC basically boils down to "more Cuphead," and that's not a complaint.

But with it being more of the same, it also means that The Delicious Last Course shares all of the pitfalls that the base game has. For starters, there are no new levels to play through at all. While I love the bosses that were added here, I have always felt that Cuphead needed more sidescrolling levels to break up the boss rush. Another thing with the boss battles is that they can sometimes feel a bit cheap with their hitboxes. There aren't really any huge improvements to the game other than some really cool new abilities. Other than that though, its a DLC that'll last around 2 hours or so (maybe more or less depending on your skill level). I can't help but feel that the DLC was a bit overhyped tho due to how long it was in development. Clearly that time mostly went into the incredible animation and boss mechanics, but I felt like it was missing something to really make all that time feel worth it in the end.

The Delicious Last Course is more Cuphead goodness. If you're a fan of the game, you probably already got it and don't need to read this review. If you're on the fence, the DLC is only $8, so I'd say its worth picking up. While I would've liked to have seen more added with this DLC, I had a lot of fun overall.

Reviewed on Jul 02, 2022
