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Has all of the usual pros of an Uncharted game, gorgeous settings, smooth gameplay, good gunplay, witty dialogue.

However, this game obviously breaks away from the usual Nate/Sully dynamic and instead gives us Chloe and Nadine. I thought this dynamic was mostly subpar and not as interesting, up until they threw Sam Drake into the mix. Having the other 2 characters constantly ragging on him and him playing the strong buffoon contrasted to Chloe and Nadine's similar personalities very well. I mainly just wish they introduced Sam earlier on or possibly would've done other things to add some more zest to the character dynamics.

The chapters in this game aren't quite as memorable as the others, however the final chapter is one of the strongest in Uncharted history gameplay-wise IMO (not quite storywise though).

Cons aside, this was still an enjoyable and engaging experience throughout, and this just proves that you really can't ever go wrong with an Uncharted game

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2022
