Man, I can honestly tell that there was genuine heart and effort put into this game, as well as an honest attention to the original source material that it is based off of.

However, this game is simply far too padded with bloaty levels, an exhausting amount of enemies (with little variation to them) and just gets to be far too repetitive. 31 levels in a hack and slash is just too many. And while the game itself is pretty short and most of the levels can be completed in about 10 mins each, by the time you get to level 24 or 25 you kind of get exhausted of the same mechanics over and over.

But, there are still brief flashes of greatness in this game. For one, the late game bosses are immensely better than the early game ones. Also, being given the ability to play as other characters in levels that have different playstyles was a breath of fresh air as well too. The CGI cutscenes are really well done, the soundtrack is really good, and this game DOES do a really good job at being a modern take of an edgy PS2 hack and slash.

Was this game worth $50 on release? No. But at common sale prices of $9.99 or less, I'd say go ahead and grab it and enjoy it for the mindless callback to PS2 era hack and slashes that it is.

All in all, this is a solid first attempt for being Studio IGGYMOB's first game.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023


9 months ago

Totally agree! Thanks for the review, I enjoyed reading it

9 months ago

Thank you @Midnight0wl :)