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Pros: The graphics and animation in this are incredible, perhaps the best on the N64. The way the characters move their eyes and mouths, Conker especially, are so beyond what I thought the system was capable of. And fully voiced dialogue, with incredible lip syncing too. That alone make this one worth checking out. And there's tons of talking, tons, lots of inappropriate language too, and violence, and dumb movie references, and weird British humor all thrown into this odd mish-mash of a game. You play as Conker the Squirrel, y'know, the cute little bugger from Diddy Kong Racing and Conker's Pocket Tales for Game Boy Color. He's back, and he's doing what you'd expect, such as whackin cheese around with a giant frying pan. Okay, let's just skip to the best part of the game, shall we? The multiplayer. The multiplayer multiplayer multiplayer. Tons of different multiplayer modes, such as all out war, which is fun, Raptor, Heist, Race, and others. But the best of the best, the cream of the crop, and what makes this game still worth playing today, is a mode called 'BEACH', which is a asymmetric multiplayer mode where one team is without weapons trying to run to a base (the Frenchies), and the other team is trying to gun down these runners, up in a crow's nest style military camp that has a wide view of the land (these guys are the Tediz). This mode is a BLAST! It's surefire fun gunning down runners that are ever so close to passing through that safety door! But I preferred playing as the Frenchies, running away from bulletfire with wicked zigging and zagging moves, as I'd either be trying to get back to base, or taking a secret route to hit a button (a button that's in an area that makes you an open target to get gunned down easy), but if you do manage to hit the button, it blows up all of the Tediz! REVENGE! It's so much fun, and I still try to play it whenever the right company is in town.

Cons: The single player game can be a bit annoying, gameplay-wise. A lot of instances where you'll have to repeat some action over and over again that isn't very fun, and then you're rewarded with a dumb cutscene... and yeah, a lot of the cutscenes haven't aged well. They were edgy for their day, mostly fun for shock value of seeing a cartoony animal blow up to bloody bits or a paint can saying "fuck", but today, mmmmmeh.

What it means to me: I was in eighth grade when this game came out, which was the exact age group for something "mature" like this. It's the perfect middle schooler game, where someone of that age would find all this dumb shit hilarious. And I did. This was the South Park of video games.