Pros: Four characters to choose from to play as! Fun boppy music! Interesting and fun pluck mechanic. And, best of all NO TIMER! You can diddle around as much as you want in these levels without the stress of impending doom by a clock.

Cons: The platforming gameplay of this game, just isn't as fun as traditional hop & bop Mario platformers. Also, the level design is kinda not great, to be honest... There's one stage with a series of jars/pipes, and only one of them has a key hidden inside it, so you're going down each jar/pipe to find the key, dealing with enemies over and over, until you find the right jar/pipe with the key... and there's no sense of design at all, just blind trial and error until you find the right pipe/jar with the key... a bit frustrating really, and there's bits of things like that throughout the game, that leads this one feeling a little less quality than other more mainstream Mario titles.

What it means to me: First played this on the All-Stars version for SNES, and it was pretty whimsical, and for a while, this was my favorite Mario game, really! Playing as Peach with her hover ability, and not having a timer, really helped ease myself into these types of games as a kid. A lot more accessible considering those elements, which, makes this game a lot better as a result.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023
