this game runs like SHIT on pc if you don't use third-party patches, and this is the only reason why i'm not giving it a 4.5/5. alt-tabbing out of the game rendered my entire system unusable and i got softlocked during cutscenes because my refresh rate is higher than 60; thankfully the patches fixed these issues.

i remember playing this when i was 8 on my dad's xbox 360 and all i did was dick around with helicopters and purposefully jump out of them to splatter on the pavement. i was a weird kid.

i've felt hollow ever since i finished gta v's singleplayer mode when i was 16 and i'm glad this is basically more of the same. i've always been fond of this game and i'm glad that i picked it up again after i left it to rot in my steam library for 2 years. a few of the missions can be kind of annoying but overall it's still a very fun game. can't wait to play the dlcs

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
