Wanna unlock the level where you trample chibi with a push mower.

Not really but he's a shitty little robot.
I respect that the game convincingly simulates being a tiny, stubborn/limited body where simple tasks take foreeeever. But the rest of the design shouldn't have also followed that principle. There are so many little quality of life fixes that could've made the game the "stop and smell the roses" game it seems to want to be. Just being able to skip through dialogue you've heard a million times would cut hours out of the playtime. I know a lot of gaming is just burning hours of your life on fake achievements but there's only so much scrubbing imaginary stains with a toothbrush I can take before I remember I'm not a prisoner of war being forced to do this.
The writing is bad. The character designs (with the exception of chibi who looks incredible) are mostly ugly and off putting. The sound design is a CURSE! Those atonal footstep variations are so brutal. Boot up the game and walk across a carpet if you think I'm exaggerating. And it is literally and emotionally a chore of a game.
It gets points for being such an oddity and for nostalgia, but it's not the overlooked gem I remembered it being.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2024
