This may be the first independent 3D character platformer I’ve played and reviewing it is a tricky proposition. Most games in this genre are first-party games featuring a recognizable mascot of the platform, oozing polish and “game feel.” It’s also a gaming genre that’s heyday has come and gone. For an indie to take a swing at this genre, it takes hubris. With all of that preamble, I think Lucky largely succeeds. The character himself is generic, but he controls well. The story is unremarkable and the cutscenes unskippable, but the level design shows creativity even if the environments are bland. Every time I reached what I thought was my fill of the game, it would throw a creative level at me, like a carnival-game-themed mini game collection, and suck me back in. It does seem to lose some steam by the end, with the beach environment featuring more optional sliding block puzzles than platform levels, but the final world ends strong with some of the best levels in the game. Ultimately, what I want from a platformer is pure fun and I found plenty while playing this game.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
