I was not expecting much from this game and it still disappointed me.

The story mode that re-tells the classic Naruto and Naruto Shippuden story is basically a slideshow with some fights in between. The game throws in some boss fights reused from previous games, which is fine, but instead of adding everything, some of the best boss fights are left out and are either changed into a simple fight with no cutscene, or even worse, are cut entirely and turned into a slideshow(Guy vs Madara for example).

The Special Story with Boruto is the best aspect of the game, but it's not great either. The first half feels like a bad filler from the anime. The second half gets really good, even though the villain is generic, there is another character that's really interesting and probably one of the best non-canon characters from the Naruto X Boruto universe. I admit I almost cried at the end.

The combat is improved from Storm 4, with lots of tweaks that make the game feel faster and more skill-based than previous entries. Even if it's good, there are still lots of flaws. Jutsu with lots of I-frames and armor(Rasengan and Chidori, I'm looking at you) make the online experience feel like hell. Chakra recovering by itself and busted assists turn the game into a spam fest, and playing ranked is just frustrating when you are matched with someone who just spams the same broken jutsu again and again. Not to mention the fact that disconnecting mid-fight is not punished at all, so even if you manage to win against a spammer, they will just quit before you get your win and will not lose anything for doing that.

Overall I do not recommend this game unless you get it for super cheap. The combat is fun but frustrating if you go online, the story mode is lackluster and there are not a lot of new characters to justify buying this over Storm 4.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
