Oh boy, what a masterpiece. Everything here oozes style. This game could be released today and people would play the hell out of it without knowing it's a game from 2013.

This is the second time I play this game. I played it once when it released, but did not enjoy it very much at the time as I couldn't grasp the mechanics and thought it was too hard for me. Now I decided to give it a shot once again and learn it properly.

The game can be very hard if you don't master the parry, but once you do, the game becomes a cakewalk, at least on normal(I will not try higher difficulties, I'm not crazy enough for that). You slash through enemies like butter and the parry makes you pretty much invincible.

The gameplay in general is pretty much perfect. It's Platinum doing what they do best. Blade Mode is super fun, you cut through everything as many times as you want. You see a car? You can cut it in tiny little pieces. You see an enemy? You can do that to him as well(you probably will do that hundreds of times).

If I had to pick something to complain, it would be the camera. Most of the difficulty I had with the game was just the camera not working properly or just going crazy. It could be better but it doesn't hurt the game a lot, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is still a very solid game and worth playing in 2024.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
