Log Status






Time Played

135h 0m

Days in Journal

58 days

Last played

May 3, 2024

First played

January 27, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Can actually play as non-binary for once! 🙏 Really makes a difference, considering the protagonist is meant to be relatively self-insert.
Graphics on Switch version are often very bleary, especially noticeable in handheld mode. Shame, because it's otherwise very pretty. The character art is lovely.
Engaging gameplay, allowing the player to create their own balance between farming and JRPG elements, without forcing either. It is more JRPG than it is farming sim (the farming doesn't have the same depth as is found in others of the genre), but one can take the quests and story at their own pace.
Varied job system, and the story is interesting enough so far. Has side quests I actually want to do.
Appealing characters (moreso for me when compared with other farming life sims). Everyone has nice voice acting – too bad it's limited to small lines here and there.
Romance options are not gender-locked~
And the music is lovely... Would definitely purchase the soundtrack if they release that.