A cute little VN, with sweet romance. Mostly a pleasant experience, but I felt bored at times -- particularly when the focus was on not the main couple of the route, but on side characters. At times, the writing gets repetitive or feels like it's trying to reach a word count quota. It wasn't especially for me, but it might be someone else's cup of tea.
I quite like the protagonist. Marcel felt to me like better non-binary rep than I've seen in some more explicit examples of non-binary characters. (Ey's also super adorable.) I appreciate how the love interests respond to this aspect of Marcel (especially Luce and Mirabel). The ending of Mirabel's route elicited more than a few tears from me...
I will say that Mirabel being bullied relentlessly by fellow classmates bothered me, and personally, I sometimes felt like the game didn't frame it seriously enough. Like the game wasn't being just toward that character, and that left a bad taste in my mouth.
There were a lot of really sweet CGs, especially of some of the more intimate moments between Marcel and the LIs.
My play order: Mirabel→ Luce→ Celine→ Claudine. (I don't think the order matters much.)
I think I liked Luce or Celine's route most, followed by Mirabel's and lastly Claudine's.

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
