I'm torn about this game. The Bayonetta sections are exactly what I wanted. I was a little unsure about the demon summoning at first, but once I got a few options that I really liked, it made a really fun flow to combat. And with the amount of demons and weapons, anyone should be able to find a playstyles they enjoy! Combat is just as you expect it to be, and dodging into Witch Time is as satisfying as ever. The story is also as bombastic and over-the-top as you'd expect from this series.


The Viola combat sections is missing something. As a character, I love her! But I hated the switch to parrying after playing most of the game based around dodging. And if I didn't like a weapon as Bayonetta, I could just switch to a different one. On a Viola stage, you're just stuck with what she's got. The Jeanne stages are even worse. I didn't find them fun, and the final stage was aggressively annoying.

So despite all the fun I had with Bayonetta, about 1/3 of the game was me wishing I was back to the main character.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2022
