Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is great follow up to the 1st game and MM. It's also a very safe follow up that, in a way it feels like an extension of the 1st. I wouldn't go as far to say its $70 DLC. It justifies being a new game but, it more or less plays the same as the 1st.

There are small additions to combat and traversal that makes it feel better, swinging is faster and the new gliding makes getting across the city a breeze, new abilities with Miles Venom powers and Peters Symbiote abilities freshen up the combat but it doesn't feel like a huge leap forward.

The story of the game has a lot great themes that feel right at home in a Spider-Man story. I like that the games focus is about giving villains a 2nd chance and making them feel like real believable people who aren't just evil for the sake of it. It does a good job inter grading Peter into the narrative however, Miles seems to take a back seat in the story with his main conflict of the game mostly being about writing an essay. I get that it was to show how he is struggling with balancing being Spider-Man and being Miles Morales but it just didn't really work for me.

The game is also not quite as polished as the 1st. I ran into a few bugs in my playthrough, nothing game breaking most of the time but, I did also have 2 crashes while playing. Overall I enjoyed my time with the game and still want to see more from this series but it certainly didn't have quite the same impact as the 1st.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2023
