this game is ... interesting. i liked it, i think, but ironically it hinders itself in the core gameplay loop before you can enjoy its strengths. it is so unbearably tedious to get every achievement/ending, and the overall story is a very surface level take on the modern influencer and the edgy/reality of the internet. a lot of the dialogue and encounters are incredibly well-written and relatable. the game definitely does its best to reflect the streaming scene as a whole, but it takes too long for me to want to stay invested. i did 100% it, and i do like ame/p-chan/kangel, but i don't know if i could really recommend this game. you are better off watching the endings' cutscenes on youtube, but even then you lose the charm of witnessing the spiral of ame-chan under your control.

Reviewed on Dec 16, 2022


1 year ago

(has not played this game yet) SO TRUE
I like reading your thoughts on games ily bro

1 year ago

@ryza (idk if i have to do this but whaterver ...) i am on my way to your Home to kissyou on the lips<3

1 year ago

@karamatsu (it isn't necessary but people here tend to do that in case they get comments from different people it makes it less confusing!) There will be yaoi with my homie <3