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Really good, brief fantasy VN with fun gameplay elements in the lying games. Choices definitely matter and you will be tested! I found it very cleverly written and I liked the twist with the witches. I think that the last part of the plot could've been explained a bit better, but I still found the story enjoyable. This VN had one of my favorite LIs I've encountered in a long while (Shay <3). The MC might also be one of my favorites as well, I found her very interesting and charming. The other LI was also cute and I enjoyed his route. This is a game I see myself returning to someday because I enjoyed the (Sh/J)ay route so much. I would definitely recommend to others!

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A fantastic romcom otome with a variety of LIs, a cute MC, catchy music, and fun visuals. Its very visually over the top and I love it. Some of the routes were very campy, which was incredible. I think I tended to prefer the human/earlier routes to the later routes when things got supernatural. Every LI had something to like about them. Standouts were Ryuki and Allan, although Shelby and Gill were also quite good. I think it is worthy of a replay in the future.

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The found-family dynamics is the shining spot of this game. The MC was fine, not the best, but not the worst by far. The LIs were a great group. It went way hard in some of the bad ends, specifically Limbo's. Mozu's route also had a dark bit. I liked the memorabilia parts and the UI. More romance fluff would've been nice, but it did have a lot of plot and an interesting sci-fi twist with Teuta's powers. A solid game worthy of replaying. Loved Scarecrow, Limbo, and Shu <3.

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A rare VN with a tsundere MC, she was a great character to watch develop. I enjoyed the fairy tale stories and setting. The art was gorgeous. I loved the achievements and had a fun time playing through the good and bad ends. I enjoyed Rod, Waltz, and Fritz especially. I didn't enjoy some of the LIs much (they were not bad, just not for me). I think its worthy of replaying.

Ultra-customizable, cozy OELVN with a really cute LI. One of my favorites for sure. Worthy of replaying for guaranteed comfort and warm fuzzies.

Really cute TTRPG-themed VN, I really enjoyed the meta narrator/Dan and the characters interactions. I was smiling the whole time I played.

It's okay to play solo but seems like it would really shine if you have others to play with. It can get repetitive.