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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 14, 2023

First played

April 20, 2023

Platforms Played


A silly little action game that I probably enjoy more than it’s worth purely due to the lack of good games on Android. But for what it’s worth, it’s entertaining enough and I kept wanting to come back to finish the level or try out another one.

Many of the weapons the different characters have do feel samey (usually it’s just best to take one of the most expensive ones) and I was hard-pressed finding a use for any other armour but the one that stops rifle fire, but there’s enough overall variety between the classes to keep it interesting. Plus there’s just something enjoyable about getting good with a class. The missions are usually challenging enough that even a maximum even character is no guarantee of victory.

The setting takes copaganda to the extreme of absurdity and the description of the hand grenade is just great (something along the lines of "Aren't we supposed to be the police?"). The game understands very well it's not supposed to be realistic, and is more fun for it. Some of the best moments are when you just let chaos reign, blowing in doors and blindly spraying with no care in the world for collateral damage. The game doesn’t really punish you for it, even if your conscience might later look back in horror. A solid little action game on the phone that I would never play on a PC or console (unless on co-op, I guess; which I didn't try).