It was after 30 minutes of cutscenes, clichés and nothing interesting happening that I understood I can just skip the cutscenes and the whole story and lose little in the progress. I appreciate that they tried to do something different by starting you as a child escaping a city with his father, but they fill it with more clichés and waste the opportunity to build any meaningful relationships so it would have been better to just throw you in the action right away.

Only then you'd understand how boring the action is. The OWL robot adds an additional tactical layer to the shooting that offers some interest, and some of the weapons have cool firing modes, but in many ways it's too cookie-cutter, while at the same time so surprisingly challenging that I even used the wallhack-granting echo ability which I usually never use in games that have something similar. After a while even the OWL becomes uninteresting once you understand how little it adds to the mechanics of the game (I do love the zipline though, the best thing in the game). And it’s like that with every “unique” thing that the game tries, for example the zero-G looks pretty and interesting at first, but soon becomes nothing more than short moments of travel between the usual puzzling and fighting. I was reminded of the zero-G in Dead Space, the weight of it and the fear that game generated, and Killzone did not shine in comparison.

I did try to enjoy it still, and there were a few fun moments amidst the action when it managed to entertain, but I would probably have enjoyed the game more if I could carry more than 2 weapons, especially as you can't change one of them. As it is, the utter mediocrity of the whole thing just got too much as I felt my life wasting away at it.

Frankly, I hate playing games like this - they’re not bad enough to be trash, but they’re not good enough to be much of anything else. Slowly, as I play them, I start doubting my own critical faculties and the inherent value of all gaming. Are there even any good games? Or is it just me vibing with something and not with others and games are mostly just like this, a mediocre waste of time?

It’s foolishness, of course, and the best cure for it is to stop playing the bad game and start something good because that’ll instantly remind you why you love gaming. This game was mediocre enough to fool me into thinking I might get something positive from playing it, but thankfully I decided to try out something else, a much older game, that within its intro credits had more originality than Killzone had shown in 4 hours, and after I finished my first session of this game, I knew what I had to do - go uninstall Killzone, and never look back. Not all PlayStation Hits deserve the title.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2023
