Only played an hour but want to kms

I don't get the hype necessarily but looking back retrospectively I can appreciate the amazing graphics and world design. On the other hand the combat is deadly simple and boring while the chase scenes can be infuriating.


Genuinely Fun free experience. Short parody game but very funny and clever

Left4Dead but with a 2. Kill zombie, run somewhere, kill zombie again, repeat

Very cool stupid multiplayer game

Fun Physics Funny character game. Puzzles too hard for me

No. makes me wanna blow my brains up but controls are too awful to even pick up the gun :(

Dog is the MVP. Kinda short and not as good as HL2 but thats a pretty high bar

Portals older cousin but no portals and more guns run on a dell branded calculator from 1644. Doesn't hold up the best but I can appreciate what its done for gaming as a whole.

Half Life 2 but you are called slurs and chased by a png of Obama/Jimmy from hit show better call saul

Cool with frens. Stupid fun time, waiting for more updates

Pacify clone or pacify is a devour clone idk. New maps are kind of meh but OG 3 are great

Does it have a story? Am I supposed to follow that? Is there a campaign or what? Is it just a live service game that goes on forever? Wtf is the difference between destiny 1 and 2? Is this like an Overwatch 2 situation. Im confused