Great game with underwhelming ending. The story was so intriguing only to fall apart in the end. I’d not be so disappointed if this was a normal game, but the fact that we have to slog so so SO HARD to get here and this is what you end up with? It feels all that time is wasted somehow. If it was a regular game with the same story I’d give it a 4/5. But this is unforgivable. But Returnal did change my life in one way, in that i finally understood playing games is about having fun not stressing out & being nervous. I legit never felt so nervous and scared playing a game and you’ll see this sentiment mirrored with your fav YouTube creators too, if you don’t believe me checkout their walkthroughs. Anyway all the nerves and scares have come undone because of the story and finale. I cannot tell you in words how frustrating it is. Only people who have played this game and died repeatedly will understand my angst lol

So in conclusion after platinuming Sekiro years ago and Returnal being my First hard game since,i finally understood, games are about fun and relief not brutality and unforgiving challenging. Life is difficult enough, maybe I’m just getting old and i don’t enjoy this kind of games anymore. In conclusion, Returnal is like a salty ex who I hate but Appreciate at the same time because it showed me what I should look for (in games) in the future. Thanks Returnal and Goodbye :)

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022
