Imagine I-Spy mixed with Ghost Trick mixed with an MRI machine

This game is incredibly heartfelt and authentic down to every single cross-section. It's story is so genuinely touching and you really feel connected to each and every person we explore and the island itself.

The puzzles are fantastic and full of fun Easter eggs along the way, cutting through cans and bins and lunch boxes and ship in bottles to find treasured items long lost. I genuinely don't understand how some of the objects are made! And the like memory kaleidoscopes??!? The level of detail in each environment is staggering and you will be drawn to go into every single object to check for secrets.
The sound design is gorgeously done and hearing every object being peeled away is so satisfying.

I cried a bunch during this game, but I'm pretty sure they were all happy tears. This game beautifully and gracefully explores the concept of death, the afterlife and what we leave behind in just the kindest most sweet way.


SIDENOTE: I have lived near the general area where the game is set and holidayed there all my life and it's been a real nostalgia trip looking back into how these communities work having since moved to the city, its lovely c: feels like home

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2023
