Definitely worth experiencing at least once for the novelty of the effect + there's some really cute moments and cool stuff

Though there are some janky and frustrating aspects. The ski game had some unforgiving hitboxes, the treasure puzzle felt awful to do, and that end bit was really really laggy and unfun to play. Other than those infruriating bits, the effort put in this game is still worth going through; especially in how unique the presentation is. The main story isn't all that revolutionary; you'll get more enjoyment in the side stories and it also feels really forced and doesn't have good build-up. Also kinda wish the game utilized the effects used in the credits scene in the actual game, because those are actually the highlight for me. While some puzzles make use of the unique ways to interact with the game, it doesn't nearly make use of the potential which makes it all feel underwhelming.

Reviewed on May 29, 2024
