why was everyone shitting on Forspoken solely based on it's cringe MCU writing style when this gets universally praised while looking even more like a Marvel movie dialogue wise

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2023


1 year ago

Well 1. This game is actually kinda funny at times (unlike forspoken) and 2. This game in general takes itself a lot less seriously than forspoken, which makes the dialogue more bearable I guess.

1 year ago

Because this game isn't trying to take itself seriously

1 year ago

well I can see the 1. being true since this one doens't overstay as much their welcome, but this game has a genuine story with a message trying to be said, so 2. really comes less like "it's a joke game" and more like "I don't have confidence in what I am writing so I am going to be really self aware", which is the main problem with MCU writing to begin with.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

quer narrativa, vai ler livro então.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

obrigado pela opinião totalmente pertinente LarsGamer7
Deflecting with a "this doesn't take itself seriously" when one of the most praised aspects is that it actually does, right down to having a straight Xenogears reference, is somethin

Anyway, I'm still confused as to why people are hyping this game up to hell and back when it looks incredibly mediocre and benign, but I think it has something to do with presentation. HFR is set within a cartoony world with clear over-the-top moments and references, but doing it all earnestly and in a "Saturday morning cartoon" way as some have been putting it. Compare that to Forspoken where everyone BUT the MC in a realistic looking world is playing it as legit as they can.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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