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Probably the 2nd worst BL - worst one is BL3. It builds on the systems (UI, UX etc) of 3, makes them slightly different - added the DnD Flavour to em but over all they're still the same.
Grenades are Spells, so they're lower cooldown, either completely useless or completely busted there isn't really an in between - action skills are kinda lame - again, either are completely useless (like grave born DMG up skill) or very strong (Like Stabbomancer invis)

The strongest part of the game isn't the gameplay, its the writing. The devs obviously have extensively played DnD before, so they know literally every trope, every party dynamic, every "Smart guy at the table would say X" thing. And it definitely shows in all of the NPCs and main story dialogue. Cast of VA's Killed it, Andy Samberg, Wanda Sykes and Will Arnett especially.