Far Cry 6 2021

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this game, uh, it's a thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's visually stunning, the whole open-world thing, the characters – it's all there. But here's the thing, it just didn't do it for me.

I don't know, maybe I'm just weird, but this game? It put me to sleep. Literally. I dozed off more times than I care to admit while playing this thing. It's like, yeah, it's fine, it's a game, it exists. But did it grab me? Nah, not really.

I mean, I get why people dig it. It's got all the Far Cry stuff – the shooting, the exploring, the blowing stuff up. It's like a checklist of Far Cry goodness. But for me, it was just... meh. Like, I couldn't even be bothered to finish it. I had to watch a YouTube video to find out how it ended, and even then, I couldn't tell you what happened.

So yeah, "Far Cry 6." It's a game. Some people love it, and hey, more power to 'em. But for me? It's just another entry in a series that couldn't keep me awake long enough to care.