even after 17 years since it's original release zack's story still got me man though it is mostly just his characterization and ending because i do feel like by years go by i realized more of the flaw i see on the story particularly with the pacing and new concept or even the characters being somewhat just lame except maybe Angeal,that aside though zack's journey from beginning to end was fantastic i couldn't ask for a better expansion on a character we barely know in the original.
as for the gameplay it's still mostly the same with new QOL making it more easier but man DMW not interrupting your gameplay anymore is a godsent i had more fun and satisfaction with this change.
for as much as it did things right and remaster it's overall visual to a new HD and a similar look like the remake,part of me screams i prefer the original for some unexplainable reason maybe it's the low poly background or kingdom hearts-esque models another reason i might prefer the original obviously is zack's new VA sure there's a mod to replace it already but the fact that the intended voice for this remaster specifically honestly kinda pisses me off.
but yeah even with all the new QOL improvements and similar look like the remake i do probably would play the original over this just probably for some nostalgia sake or legit i prefer it for specific reason but preference aside Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII is nice expansion on overall FFVII story that does feel like stupid and rushed at times even the characters somewhat felt one off and lame what it did right were good to might honestly be my favorite thing to come out of any FF7 related media obviously like the new banger music or i'm specifically referring to Zack Fair as character and his journey to achieve his dream.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
