there is SO much wrong with this goddamn game i don't even know where to start

Reviewed on May 01, 2021


3 years ago

amm some example? :>

3 years ago

1.The inputs often feel unresponsive
2. Sudden difficulty spikes
3. The unchangeable offset is unbearable
4. Lacks basic features (note speed, input delay, and keybinds up until recently)
5. The easy charts feel like they were put into one of those map generators which will result in random ass notes that don't match the music at all
6. The music is totally hit or miss, sometimes the songs will be BANGIN' and some are totally forgettable like the entirety week 7. People don't even acknowledge that week 5 exists
7. Story mode has no story even if PhantomArcade likes to pretend it does

With all that being said I can't really be too harsh because it's still in development. The mods & Kickstarter are keeping me interested and I actually genuinely want to see this project succeed cus it's very cute and stylish

2 years ago

I used to love phantomarcade but the bullshit he comes up with for the story is infuriating because it's just an attempt to make the fans get crazier.