Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 1, 2023

First played

October 31, 2023

Platforms Played


Really great action-exploration game, took me by surprise because it wasn't on my radar at all but I saw a trailer and decided to give it a shot. Visually and sonically this game is bleeding with PSX/Saturn style and it plays perfectly to me. The power-up progression feels really great and you can even do some sneaky sequence breaking if you intuit how to use certain abilities in certain ways. Also really like how every room has a distinct enough layout that building a mental map of the castle isn't too hard. Not including a map can be a pretty bold decision, especially in games that are host to labyrinthine layouts, but here the world is just the right size and it shows the dev(s) working on this were confident in the gameplay-language behind what they built. I only needed to look up the location of one item required to progress and that was only because I had forgotten about the side-room leading to it, but even if I hadn't I likely would have found it eventually.