(global) chaos moc and chaos papulatus were raw af bosses, but then they raised the level cap, the new skills on my class killed the fun for me, and the new endgame didn't feel great in comparison to what you were doing before aside from adding 4-player raids (that halted your story progress and were locked behind a layer of endgame gear score, mind you). The game also pushed you super hard to play alts with the way weekly lockouts worked, but I didn't want to do that, so I was often struggling with keeping up on money and upgrade material for my guy compared to other people in my guild. They tried really hard to make global-only updates and balance changes to improve the game over the korean version but I guess it wasn't enough, and I guess I wasn't alone with my issues seeing how they shot the game. When it was good though it was pretty solid ARPG gameplay with a kind of weak gear progression system with the whole "kill the boss until you roll the stats you need and then keep killing them to use more gear as upgrade fodder" thing but hey, it kept me gaming. I guess the other issue with a game release like this nowadays is that people had already played the korean version beforehand, so the endgame was pretty much already solved which is a big no-no nowadays with how fast information gets around. Were Nexon capable of doing simultaneous global/korea releases the game may have fared better, but only really had it also released with the more F2P-friendly changes that were implemented in global (as an example of the difference between versions, gear on the korean version had a chance of breaking whenever you tried to upgrade it, and you had the option of paying real money in order to prevent this from happening, while in the global version there was only a chance of your gear delevling after it being upgraded beyond a certain point).

Also, you could get a body pillow of a guy as a mount, so you were just running around faster than everyone else while hugging a pillow, and there was another one where you were just holding hands with a maid character from an event iirc. I also made awesome, non-copyrighted tshirts that the moderators didn't like and they deleted them from the game. They wouldn't refund me on any of the NX I put into the game either even though they were offering them once the game was shutting down. Sucks to be raw as fuck I guess.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2021
